High Level Workshop On Regional Integration In SADC


High Level Workshop On Regional Integration In SADC

Hosted by the Southern African Development Community, this high level workshop aims to foster a deeper understanding, better collaboration and coordination of the regional integration efforts and advance the SADC Regional Integration Agenda.

The specific objectives of the Workshop are as follows:

  • Formulate a clear perspective of the regional integration agenda from the SADC perspective.
  • Facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices of the regional integration process, perspectives and challenges at the regional, continental and global level.
  • Identify priority areas for regional cooperation and integration and guide strategic implementation efforts, responsibilities, and resource requirements in line with the integration milestones.
  • Explore opportunities to promote trade, investment, and economic cooperation among participating countries or entities, including developing trade facilitation measures, customs harmonisation, and infrastructure development.

Please note, this is an invite-only event.


  • SADC Executive Secretary - H.E Elias Magosi
  • SADC
  • World Bank
  • South African Institute of International Affairs
  • IEP Director for East and Southern Africa - Milton Nyamadzawo: 'The Economics of Peace and Security'
30 April 2024
Location Kasane, Botswana
Hosted by
Southern African Development Community (SADC)

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